Friday, December 2, 2011

Baked Pumpkins

This year my garden decided to bloom and set fruit in late September. Fortunately it was warm enough for pumpkins, cucumbers and tomatoes to keep growing. That's how we got all those tomatoes for the green tomato fritters. Finally this week the pumpkins have all turned orange. Initially, I was going to post on cooking them in the microwave, crock pot, and oven. However, after I cooked the first one in the microwave with fabulous success, there was no turning else where. I cooked two pumpkins. Both turned out great.

These pumpkins were harvested before the frost, though I hear they may have lasted. They are larger than the pie variety, but small still.

Place in microwave for 15 minutes or until the skin is soft.

Pumpkin split at bottom - maybe pierce next time.

Slice open while hot - steaming!

Remove seeds and the stringy stuff inside.

Serve with butter, salt and pepper - Yum!